Personnel administration made easy

More time for your employees

Personnel administration and HR management is a busy job. But nobody says thank you when wages are paid on time or vacation is accounted for correctly. Infosystem is a provider of modular HR software that simplifies and accelerates your HR processes. So you have more time for the people in your company.
Modular and expandable

You can use just the "Personnel administration" module for payroll accounting or expand the ERP solution into complete HR software. You only pay for what you need.

Intelligent performance recording

Vacation balances, hourly wages, part-time work or weekend bonuses - performis automates the calculation, synchronizes all data and provides all information regardless of the device.

Open interfaces

You can easily exchange data via standard interfaces. Internally with all modules of our ERP solution and with every MS Office application, externally for the ELM standardized wage report.

Software for HR management

The challenge

Well-maintained master data is central to efficient personnel administration. On the one hand, it should always be available in all applications, and on the other, sensitive personnel data must be protected. This is difficult because in many companies the HR department performs various tasks with different programs that do not work together and do not synchronize their data. As a result, data has to be recorded multiple times and is not up to date.

Software for HR management

The solution

performis is a modular, expandable ERP solution. The swissdec-certified HR administration module creates payroll accounting, complies with the Swiss salary standard 4.0 with uniform salary reporting to the compensation funds and manages all data and documents centrally and securely. You can expand the system modularly to create complete HR software, for example with modules for absence management, vacation planning or recording performance data, including a mobile app.


The functions

All modules work together seamlessly and exchange data via open standard interfaces. For example, for payroll accounting with ELM, for secure data transfer with IncaMail or for working with MS Office applications. Our modular HR software complete solution simplifies and accelerates processes with automated bonuses for performance recording, the digitalization of employee appraisals or the direct recording of benefits for hourly workers.

Software for HR management

The benefit

Our modern HR software significantly reduces your personnel administration workload. Firstly, because data only needs to be entered once, is available regardless of the device and is synchronized automatically. For example, employees can check their vacation balances at the terminal. Secondly, because many time-consuming tasks can be automated and accelerated. In addition, the many open interfaces simplify data exchange with internal and external applications.


Do you want to reduce your HR administration workload so that you have more time for your employees? We would be happy to introduce you to our HR software and its many benefits in person.

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