5. May 2022

Tobias Schnelli in an interview with the boss

Tobias Schnelli: "My management style is geared towards cooperation."

23Beitragbilder_Aktuelles_chefinterview_banner-minTobias Schnelli (40) has been part of the management team at Infosystem AG in Wil since 2016. Infosystem AG is a transformation partner for SMEs. The focus is on the digitalization of processes. Infosystem supports customers as a consultant and also as a software supplier. The innovative solutions help customers to assert themselves on the market and keep pace with digitalization.

What does your morning ritual look like and how much coffee do you drink?
If my ritual had a name, it would be "as quickly as possible". I get my espresso and get going.

What time do you get off work and what do you do afterwards?
It depends a bit on the day, but I usually get home around 6.30 pm (my wife would probably say 7 pm, but we don't always agree). Then we eat as a family, play with toy excavators and start the evening ritual. If there's still time somewhere, we do some sport or play music with friends.

How would you describe your management style?

My management style is based on cooperation. I want to give employees the opportunity to get involved and contribute. I am convinced that this is the way to identify with your work and achieve goals together. However, the employees would have to answer how well I succeed in this.

How do I score points with you in a job interview and what doesn't work at all?
I struggle with actors and actresses. The best way to impress me is to be honest and authentic. I want the person I met at the interview to be part of the team later on.

Where do you see yourself and your company in five years' time?
As a transformation partner for SMEs. We really want to transform processes digitally and not turn paper into a PDF. However, I hope we will be recognized as such in the market sooner. Today, many people "only" think of software when they hear Infosystem AG, but we can do much more.

What concerns you most at the moment?
The fact that many companies are talking about digitalization and have included it in their strategy, but often have little time to really address the issue or are not aware that it requires an investment.

What would you do differently today if you were starting out in a management position again?
Probably a lot and yet nothing. You often take on a lot and then realize that you can't do everything at the same time. I would therefore say that focus and patience are key components that I would place more emphasis on.

Which tasks in the company do you dislike doing?
Contracts or anything that has a legal background.

What is your favorite vacation destination and why?
This has changed a lot with the children. I prefer to be in a place where children are welcome, no fixed dates have to be kept and you have the opportunity to do sport. That's why we like to be in Splügen in winter.

Which entrepreneur would you like to meet for dinner and why?
Oh, the list is long. Elon Musk would certainly be exciting, but to stay in the region, I would like to meet the Egli brothers from Gebrüder Egli in Rossrüti. On the one hand, I find the development very exciting and on the other, our LEVA+ software could be of interest to them.

What is the most important piece of advice you have ever received?
It came from my younger brother: "Today is today, tomorrow is tomorrow."

What did you want to be when you were a child?
I wasn't very imaginative, I wanted to do what my father did. Back then, I called it Computer Man, which is what I did as a trained application developer.

How do you deal with pressure?
Certainly not as well as the previous speaker. I can get nervous and sometimes a bit unstructured, but I usually get myself back on track.

What about your work-life balance?
Well, of course the company takes up a lot of your time, but that's what you've chosen to do and thanks to the great support at home, it's absolutely fine for me.

Who should be the next candidate to answer these questions and why do you choose this person?
I come back to a previous question here. I nominate Roland and Urs Egli from the Egli brothers in Rossrüti. The interview will certainly be exciting.

Interview from May 5, 2022 in the Wiler Nachrichten

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