📣 Grüezi UP Group
We are delighted to introduce you as our next leva+ customer. With around 1,500 machines, the rental fleet of the UP Group is the largest and most diverse in Switzerland. We are therefore are all the more pleased that these will now be handled with our leva+ scheduling & rental solution.
If you want to take a look at the UP Group's range and services, you will find them here 👉 UP Group website
If you also want to make smart scheduling decisions in the future, take a look here 👉 leva+ website
leva+ | coded with ♥️ by Infosystem AG
#hello #newcustomer #UPGroup #Infosystem #Digitalization #DigitalTransformation #leva+ #Heavy lift logistics #rental #lifting platforms #equipment rental #Disposition #Mobile #Tracking #Software #SwissMade #IT